Find Your Mantra: How to Improve Your Meditation Practice

Stress can greatly affect our lives. From work to relationships, any sort of overwhelm can be detrimental to our bodies, minds, and emotions. If you don’t want that to be the case, then you must make some changes. That may mean going to the gym or cutting out toxic individuals. However, one of our favorite ways to minimize and regulate stress is practicing mindfulness. Read more about how to improve your meditation practice so that you can harvest the benefits of a calm, stress-free mind.
Start with Gratitude
One of the greatest ways to improve your meditation practice is to start with gratitude. This will help you obtain a calm mind-set, which will in turn help you on your way to peace. A great way to do this is by listing ten things—big or small—you’re thankful for. Once you’ve done that, think of a place that brings you calmness, a place where those things are in abundance. This will set the tone for your meditation practice.
Be Clear About Intentions
Similarly, make sure you clarify your intentions before you meditate. Maybe you’d like to be more grateful, or maybe you would rather focus on soothing your anxieties. You need to concentrate on cohesive, manageable intentions, which will help you manifest your desired results.
Prepare Your Body
This involves more than simply sitting comfortably as you meditate. Delve into what you do before you begin meditating. Various yoga forms are designed to ready your physical body and your mind for meditation. Going through a few gentle poses before you begin will help your body lose any restlessness and uneasiness. If your body is uncomfortable, it can be hard for the mind to find comfort—yoga helps.
Turn to Aromatherapy for Extra Help
Partner your yoga and meditation with aromatherapy. There are many ways to use essential oils, from aromatically to topically, both of which are great for meditation practices. Use a diffuser while you practice yoga so that you can inhale those calming scents as you shift from pose to pose. Rub some oils on your temples and pulse points before you begin meditating—it’s just another way to soothe the body.
Meditate at Least 10 Minutes a Day
Meditating will be much easier if you do so for ten minutes a day rather than for 70 minutes once a week. The more often you put your mind in that space and work on focusing, the easier it will be to find that calming space in stressful moments. Meditate before bedtime or in the morning before work—whichever you choose, try to do so once a day for enhanced mindfulness.
Don’t Try to Control Your Mind
As you meditate, try your best not to control your mind. You may really want to focus on one area, but if thoughts or emotions arise, don’t try to ignore them. Instead, let your thoughts and feelings come—observe them and let them go.
Find Your Mantra
If you’re still struggling to find your rhythm and peace, find your mantra. Typically, the best way to do so is to ask yourself what you need. For example, if you’ve been feeling like you’re not enough or “less than,” then a good mantra might be be “I am enough.” Generally speaking, your mantra is whatever you need it to be—whatever phrase brings you peace or whatever word centers you.
- Culture Greetings