Planning for the Perfect Family Summer Getaway

It’s been a long winter, to say the least. And yes, Punxatawney Phil (that hamster-like creature that apparently can predict whether we’ve got spring coming up or an even longer winter) did indeed predict that we’d be sure to hit an earlier spring this year, but let’s be real- that has not ever made any summer or spring come even the slightest bit faster.
But fear not! The kids have returned to school from their spring breaks, the sun has started to show his face again, the heavy winter coats are starting to go into storage, and the news alerts about record-breaking cold-fronts seem to have come to a close. (Let’s hope there’s no jinxing here…)
As you’re starting to get eager and excited for summer and starting to plan whatever events and activities you’re looking forward to, you want to go ahead and be planning for whatever major activities or trips you’re hoping to have for this summer. Here are some key considerations to make regarding planning the perfect family trip for summer 2019.
Don’t Break the Bank. Budget! - If you haven’t already been doing so for a major trip or vacation, then you need to start saving for this vacation now. Check your finances, check the estimated cost of your trip (see step three) and create a budget and savings plan to make sure that you’re able to afford exactly what you want to do. If the budget doesn’t meet the expected costs, change the trip or change the budget.
Don’t Go in Blindly. Research! - Kid-friendly hotels, dog friendly bed and breakfasts, unexpected festivals in town, unanticipated financial costs, and poorly coordinated weather are only a small handful of ways that a trip can quickly get out of hand. Make sure that whatever location you’re looking at allows for exactly what you need it to. Don’t plan a summer trip to hike, surf, and snorkel in Australia when they’re looking at winter as you’re looking at summer. Be sure to add cultural activities aligned to the Black the itinerary Don’t take the kids to a city that is having some major music festival that same weekend. Research events, research costs, research possible dates, research the weather, and research activities to do so that you’re not getting caught off guard.
Know What you Want. Plan! - Want to squeeze in that famous hiking trail? Add it to a list! What to fit Disneyland in for the kids while you’re in town? Add it to the list! As you research all the things that might make your trip that much more difficult to enjoy, take note of what options you have for what could make the trip that much more special and enjoyable. This planning step is also crucial because it’s where you find out just how much the things you want cost. Don’t be caught off guard or disappointed because of unexpected expenses.
Keep Work from Getting in the Way. Coordinate! - Unfortunately, you won’t be the only one looking to squeeze in some family vacation time this summer. Lots of employees at various companies across the world are looking to save the dates for their trip so they can set it aside for later. If your employer only allows one employee at a time to be on vacation, you’re going to need to coordinate with the vacation schedule. If there is a major school event or some summer activity (family reunions), you’ll want to pick your dates nice and early before someone else gets them and you have to pick between your family vacation and that big softball tournament. As soon as you think you know which dates you and the family are intending to travel, try to put the request in with your boss or employer.
Make Sure There’s Space. Reserve! - What’s worse than thinking July will be the perfect time to explore some famous and iconic landmark, but quickly find that specific company only sells a certain number of tickets per day, or the hotels fill up particularly fast, or there won’t be an AirBnb or Innclusive accommodation available? As soon as you have dates penciled in (or close but not-penciled in), start booking what you can without worrying too much about what happens if those dates fall through. Be flexible with the planning, unless you know the dates you’ve selected will have things available. If they have a cancellation fee, then you’ll want to be wary of booking too far in advance. Always check policies prior to booking, and try to avoid ones that ask for payment upfront.
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The better planned a trip is, the more successful and less stressful it’s certainly likely to be.- Culture Greetings