Ways to Use Postcards for Social Justice

Ways to Use Postcards for Social Justice

There are numerous ways that you can utilize attractive, artistic postcards to fight for social justice. You can spend just a few minutes writing out and addressing postcards throughout the week to fight for the social justice causes that matter the most to you and your loved ones. There are numerous ways to use postcards to fight for social justice, including the following:

Postcard Protests

If there is an event going on, a vote coming up, or a situation happening in your town that you disagree with, an organized postcard campaign will put pressure on elected officials and event organizers. You can gather together in groups with like-minded individuals in your area and plan out organized mailing campaigns, using artistic postcards that make your point clear. Add a customized note, address them to the individual you're trying to reach, and continue expressing your opinion by mail. The advantage of using postcards for this process is that they don't have to be opened, and they can easily be seen by every person that handles the mail along the way, giving them the chance to sway opinions as they travel through the mail.

Postcards About Specific Issues

There are nonprofits that exist to organize mailing campaigns about specific political issues. In just a few moments a day or a week, you can contribute to some of your favorite causes for the cost of a unique postcard and a stamp.

The IG Activist helps you centralize your movement by using social media as well as letter writing campaigns and postcards in support of Black Lives Matter activism.

Postcards to Voters, MomsRising, and other dedicated organizations also set up social justice campaigns regularly - all you have to do is sign up and follow their guidelines. Sending mail is one easy way to get involved with important social justice issues. Follow the simple instructions, send a few postcards, and fight for causes that matter.

Postcards of Support

Another good way to use postcards is to encourage individual politicians or activists or to thank them for their actions. Once you have a mailing address, it's quick and easy to send a postcard to thank someone for taking action. This is a great way to encourage individuals to make hard choices and doing the right thing, so if you see that happening, be sure to drop a quick line in the mail. For example, postcards and greeting cards were recently used in the Justice for Elijah McCain and Breonna Taylor social justice campaigns demanding that action be taken against those responsible for murdering them. 

When you want to participate in activism but only have a limited amount of time and money to invest each week, sending postcards is one easy way to get involved. Sign up for a nonprofit organization's participation list or write to specific causes and politicians on your own, using some of the African American greeting postcards and social justice postcards offered by Culture Greetings. Send your message in style while standing up for what you believe.



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