6 Apps to Help You Be More Productive

The world is obsessed with productivity. We all want to know how to get things done more quickly and with less effort; improve our time management skills; and lead more productive, fulfilling lives. The six productivity apps listed in this blog post will help you achieve those goals.
1. Dropbox
As a digital, online portal, Dropbox is one secure location to not only store all your documents, but it also provides access to sharing documents and collaborating on those documents. By finding all your documents in one convenient location, you can access whatever you need to, wherever you need to. Whether you’re at home, on the road, in a meeting, or at work, you won’t lose a moment should the need arise to view, comment, share, send, scan, or collaborate. While the app is free, some features do require in-app payments, and the app even has special select categories like Dropbox Business and Dropbox Enterprise.
2. TrelloPerfect for project management and collaborative teams, Trello is a great way to keep yourself and your team on task and up to date with whatever is on your list of things to do. As an organizational tool, the app conveniently sets your input tasks in “To Do”, “Doing”, and “Done”, or customize it to the list you prefer (“Urgent”, “In Progress”, “Low Priority”, etc) with lists and notes to keep track of what each task entails. It is also great simply for personal tasks, like organizing a family vacation, long-term house projects, or any other tasks in your life that you might need to keep organized. Bring in a team to collaborate and comment, or keep in personal, but the app allows you to organize and move through your list of jobs to do with ease and productivity.
As the name would suggest, Hours is an app that helps track exactly how you spend your day and helps you monitor the amount of time you spend doing each task throughout the day. With both personal and professional tracking, you can maintain a running list of multiple timers with tasks associated with each timer. As a manager, you can combine your team’s data and use the results to analyze how to become more productive as a group. Similarly, you can analyze your own data and discover just how productive you’re being, and where you need to make adjustments. It can also sync up with multiple devices, whether phone, laptop, or tablet, or smartwatch.
4. Google CalendarFast becoming a universal business tool, Google Calendar because of its ability to sync to Gmail accounts and events, which are automatically added to one’s calendar. Send invites, input events, share meetings, track goals and scheduling, plan ahead in real-time with events set up, RSVP to event invites, and send invites to others. All this can be done, and all these events sync into your one calendar so you can keep track of everything going on in both the near and the distant future. User-friendly, easy to read and add to, and with the ability to view attendees, the app even coordinates flight information right into the calendar itself, as well as workouts.
Considering the number of documents sent nowadays as PDF, the need for Adobe Reader becomes more and more significant. You can view, edit, sign, send, share, or highlight and markup PDFs that have been sent to you, as you need to. The convenience of accessing it wherever you are eliminates the need for searching out some program that can do only one of those tasks.
6. HeadspaceAfter learning all these new ways to become more productive in your personal and professional life, you’re going to want to make sure your mental and emotional wellness remains intact as well! Headspace is a 5-start, Editor’s Choice app that helps with relaxation, meditation, focus, and stress-management. It helps bring balance with just a few minutes of use a day, which decreases stressors and promotes greater productivity as a result of lowered stress and anxiety levels. With an emphasis on helping individuals meditate, intentional breathing, and mindfulness, it also has a means of helping improve sleeping patterns, leaving users more well-rested, and thus, better able to spend their day productively.
- Culture Greetings